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Activities » Regulation



Registrations for the Camp are limited (maximum 150 spots), therefore NBC CAMPS ITALIA reserves the right to reject applications received after the deadline or which exceed the number of participants expected, and in this case will refund any fees already paid.


Full Camp “All Inclusive”: 595 Euros. ADVANCE: € 295 by May 15 – BALANCE: € 300 by June 15 
Day Camp with lunch: 260 Euros. ADVANCE: € 110 by April 30 – BALANCE: € 150 by June 15

PLEASE NOTE: the participation fee includes the ASD NBC Camps Italia registration fee of € 10. 


By bank transfer to: A.S. DIL. NBC CAMPS ITALIA BANCA DI CREDITO COOPERATIVO ROMA C / C Bancario n.665 IBAN: IT96P0832703249000000000665 – Reason: Registration NBC CAMP ITALIA – Surname and name registered


The registration form signed at the bottom by a parent (or by whoever exercises parental authority), the medical certificate of fitness for competitive activity (indicating any allergies to medicinalS and / or foods), copy of the health card and receipt of the payment made must be sent to the Camp organizers (by email to: no later than 20 (twenty) days before the start of the Camp


For any cancellations made within 30 (thirty) days before the start of the shift, 80% of the amount paid will be returned; if made within 7 (seven) days before the start of the shift, 50% will be returned, after this deadline no refunds will be granted.


In relation to the insurance contract stipulated by the organizers in favor of the athletes participating in the Camp, a disclaimer is accepted and released, undertaking to waive any compensation for damages exceeding the value of the agreed maximum limits. The organizers are relieved of any responsibility deriving from accidents or other during the entire period and all the activities of the Camp. At the time of registration, consent is granted to the participation of the subscriber in any trips organized during the week using private vehicles for transfers and whoever registers the participant is responsible for full compensation for any damage caused by the same and for exempt the organizers in the event of disputes between the insured and the insurance company. He also declares to accept all the rules and provisions relating to the Camp and authorizes the participation of the member to the Camp.


The Organization declines all responsibility for any theft and damage to property and / or people before, during and after the performance of the same. The Organization is eventually liable solely and exclusively within the terms provided for by the insurance policy stipulated.


By signing the registration form, you authorize the Organization or transport companies chosen by it, to transport the member, if necessary, for the success of the Camp activity. The vehicles used will be insured according to the law. In the event of any claim, the insurance of the means of transport will respond.


The right to use the filmed images and / or photographs of the registered athlete is granted free of charge, in the context of films, printed matter or websites for information and advertising purposes concerning the Camp or what is organized by the same, unless otherwise indicated in the registration form.